“We recently returned from 2 powerful weeks of ministry in Guerrero State, Mexico, working alongside Mike and Kim Davis, of Davis World Missions who have overseen the work there for some 30 years.
Jim preached in the churches, as well as participating in a “Next Steps” training session for recognized leaders in the 6 churches.
The main thrust of the preaching in the churches was the importance of being filled with and maintaining the flow and fire of the Holy Ghost in our daily personal lives as well as in our spiritual endeavors. Many opened their hearts and received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues.
There were various other genuine manifestations that accompanied the people receiving the Holy Ghost; it was so wonderful to witness faces glowing, tears flowing, and the atmosphere being changed with joy unspeakable and full of glory!
Hands were laid upon many to receive healing, and for deliverance from mental oppression, fear, and anxiety, obediently following the example of Jesus in Acts 10:38.
One woman testified of becoming totally pain free in her knees after hands were laid upon her and the prayer of faith was offered. To God be the glory!
Another outstanding highlight was witnessing the life changing encounter of 40 young people being baptized in the Pacific Ocean. Each one was personally instructed and prayed for before and after they went under the water concerning the Biblical importance and significance of baptism in their Christian walk in following the pattern of Jesus.
We also participated in daily Pastors’ mentoring sessions with each of the Pastors and their wives. We visited and evangelized families where the churches were located and prayed for new businesses started by members of the churches.
We want to thank each of you for your faithful prayers and financial support that made this great mission to Mexico possible. Because of your generosity we were also able to sow a substantial offering towards the purchase of a new van for the ongoing ministry there.
I Samuel 30:24……”as his part is that goes down to the battle, so shall his part be that stays by the stuff; they shall both have a part alike.”
We are all co- laborers together with Him. Blessings and much love,
Revs. Jim and Stephanie.