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Montgomery Ministries 
Spring Update

Revs. Jim & Stephanie Montgomery
        “Standing Strong In The last Days”
II Timothy 3:1 (NLT) “You should know Timothy, that in the last days there will be very difficult times”.   We are living in those days now! Crime and violence, the collapse of moral standards, the shameful rise of anti semitism and the escalating persecution of Christians both here and abroad has greatly increased in the last few years.
The enemy is working hard to weaken the will of Christians to faithfully serve the Lord. Every day we face distractions that are designed to take our focus away from the things of God and to set our attention on things that steal our joy, rob us of the peace that Christ gave us, and to move us away from focusing on heavenly realities that keep us moving forward in faith and victory.
This is not a time to be a lukewarm, half-hearted believer. Nor is it a time to allow the pull of the world to compromise our strong stand of faith and obedience to the Lord. Jesus needs faithful, bold and courageous witnesses to represent Him here as never before.
With these things in mind, there are vitally important truths from God’s Word we must be grounded upon in order to maintain a healthy, biblical perspective in dealing with the times we are living in today:
  1. Always remember that you have a covenant with God.
Our relationship with the Lord is based on a blood covenant. Through faith in Christ’s blood sacrifice on our behalf we are recipients of the blessing of that covenant. His blood was covenant blood. We can rejoice in knowing that our God is a covenant keeping, prayer answering, unchanging God. Psalm 89:34, “My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that has gone out of my lips”.
  1. Don’t cast away your confidence.
We can always trust God to do what he said He would do. He will always be what He said He would be. Hebrews 10:35 tells us there is a reward to those who maintain their trust in the Lord.
  1. Always expect God’s protection.
Supernatural safety and protection is promised us many times in the Bible. Read and meditate on Psalm 91 and 112. But remember that these promises are conditional. We must meet the conditions in order to qualify to receive the promises.
  1. Keep praising God even in the midst of adverse circumstances.
Heartfelt praise and thanksgiving to God is not only an act of worship. It is also an act of faith. When we offer the sacrifice of praise in the midst of challenges, we’re declaring victory before we ever see it.
We want to leave you with this great verse of Scripture found in Philippians 2:15-16:
15, “That ye might be blameless and harmless, the sons of God, without rebuke, in the midst of a crooked and perverse nation, among whom ye shine as lights in the world; 16, Holding forth the word of life…….”
                            “Israel Update”
We have remained in close contact with our Pastor in Israel ever since the terrorists in Lebanon began launching drones and missiles into Northern Israel. Thank God for His mighty arm of protection towards the people living in the land that He promised long ago to Abraham and his seed. We recently received a message from Pastor Irene which read, “no weapon formed against us shall prosper” (Isaiah 54:17). Unprecedented 361 missiles from Iran sent to destroy us. All except 1 was intercepted, missiles disabled. No deaths, one injured. America, Britain and Jordan assisted in this operation. We are still on alert but believe because of much prayer from many of you, the Lord saved us mightily. Thank you, please continue to pray. We are all rejoicing in His grace.
We believe that as people all over the world prayed for safety and protection the Lord gave the Israeli military forces uncommon ability to strike down the missiles and protect the lives of many people.
This great miracle which took place on April 14th has been referred to as “the Shabbat Miracle”, and has been likened to the magnitude of the miracle of the parting of the Red Sea which saved the lives of millions of Jews fleeing the tyranny of slavery in Egypt.
In closing, we ask that you continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem (Psalm 122:6) and to rejoice in God’s promise found in Deuteronomy 20:4, “For the Lord your God is He that goes with you, to fight for you against your enemies, to save you”.
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Summer Highlight 2023
Revs. Jim & Stephanie Montgomery
Summer Highlight 
Revs. Jim & Stephanie Montgomery

“We recently returned from 2 powerful weeks of ministry in Guerrero State, Mexico, working alongside Mike and Kim Davis, of Davis World Missions who have overseen the work there for some 30 years.

Jim preached in the churches, as well as participating in a “Next Steps” training session for recognized leaders in the 6 churches.

The main thrust of the preaching in the churches was the importance of being filled with and maintaining the flow and fire of the Holy Ghost in our daily personal lives as well as in our spiritual endeavors. Many opened their hearts and received the baptism in the Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking with other tongues.

There were various other genuine manifestations that accompanied the people receiving the Holy Ghost; it was so wonderful to witness faces glowing, tears flowing, and the atmosphere being changed with joy unspeakable and full of glory!

Hands were laid upon many to receive healing, and for deliverance from mental oppression, fear, and anxiety, obediently following the example of Jesus in Acts 10:38.

One woman testified of becoming totally pain free in her knees after hands were laid upon her and the prayer of faith was offered. To God be the glory!

Another outstanding highlight was witnessing the life changing encounter of 40 young people being baptized in the Pacific Ocean. Each one was personally instructed and prayed for before and after they went under the water concerning the Biblical importance and significance of baptism in their Christian walk in following the pattern of Jesus.

We also participated in daily Pastors’ mentoring sessions with each of the Pastors and their wives. We visited and evangelized families where the churches were located and prayed for new businesses started by members of the churches.

We want to thank each of you for your faithful prayers and financial support that made this great mission to Mexico possible. Because of your generosity we were also able to sow a substantial offering towards the purchase of a new van for the ongoing ministry there.

I Samuel 30:24……”as his part is that goes down to the battle, so shall his part be that stays by the stuff; they shall both have a part alike.”

We are all co- laborers together with Him. Blessings and much love,

Revs. Jim and Stephanie.

Pictures from our recent trip to Mexico!
Van that was donated for ministry in Mexico, from your giving! 
People being filled with the Holy Spirit 
Jim Preaching 
Pastors & Pastors Wives 
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Montgomery Ministries 

Summer E-News
Revs. Jim & Stephanie Montgomery


Dear Friends,
Thank you so much for your prayer support and financial gifts for our recent mission to Israel. The ministry there was very fruitful, and we were so thankful that in spite of the harsh Covid-19 restrictions the last few years , all the congregations we preached in are increasing in numbers and in spiritual growth.
We received testimonies in all our meetings and in the Women’s and Men’s Conferences from people being touched powerfully by the Word of God and the power of the Holy Spirit. Bondages of fear and anxiety were broken off of many. As you may know, prior to our arrival there was an ongoing barrage of rockets launched by terrorists in the Gaza Strip aimed at civilian populations in Southern Israel.
The threat of terrorist violence in Israel is an ongoing reality in the lives of all Israelis. It is so important that we continue to pray for the peace of Jerusalem and for all the people in Israel (Psalm 122:6). Many people received healing and in one service 7 people were filled with the Holy Spirit !
We were very blessed to participate in the Humanitarian Aid Center in the Karmiel Congregation. The Center is open two days a week to provide much needed assistance to newly arrived immigrants from the former Soviet Union. There is a constant flow of desperate people seeking to escape violence and harsh conditions and to begin a whole new life in Israel.
At the Aid Center clothing, household items, blankets, heaters, children’s, infants, and adult clothing and other items are available at no charge to meet the needs of great numbers of people needing help. This is all made possible by your generous financial support and your prayers.
The Humanitarian Aid Centers are a major outreach ministry in all the “Rivers of Living Water, Israel” congregations. Each of the 5 churches conduct a large, monthly food outreach to new immigrants in their cities. These are located in Maalot, Safed, Akko, Nahariyah, Nazareth-Illit, and Katzrin located in the Golan Heights.
Stephanie and I thank God for the awesome privilege and honor of preaching a Living Christ who saves the lost, heals the sick, delivers the oppressed, and fills the spiritually hungry with the Holy Spirit. We’ve witnessed Him doing this every time we minister in this beautiful land God promised to Abraham and his seed! To God be all the glory!
Our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to each one of you, our dear partners. Thank you for being a vital part of this ministry. We  pray that you will experience the abundant blessings and favor of the Lord in every part of your life. Shalom! (peace).
Revs. Jim & Stephanie Montgomery

Ministry in Acco on Jerusalem Day
Preaching in Nayariyya
Jim Preaching in Karmiel (Galilee Region)
Home Group Ministry in Safed
Helping New Immigrants At Humanitarian Aid Center
Jerusalem Marketplace
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Montgomery Ministries
Fall E-News


Revs. Jim & Stephanie Montgomery

We are so thankful for the wonderful ministry opportunities the Lord made possible for us  recently. And for the ones that are upcoming. In September Jim preached at River Church Tulsa, a new church plant we are helping in Broken Arrow, Oklahoma, pastored by Bishop Joseph Castillo.

Later in the month Jim traveled to Ohio and preached in Wayne at New Hope Church, Pastor Ron Merritt, and in Sabina at Trinity Full Gospel Church, led by Pastor Cary Hiltebrand., Both of these meetings were marked by powerful personal ministry after the message was preached. Many were impacted by the Lord’s power.

Jim then preached a 3 day meeting in Seiling, Western OK. The theme of these meetings was “Contending For The Faith.” Those in attendance and viewers on Facebook Live were challenged to allow the Holy Spirit to begin moving through them in order to touch a lost, hurting world all around us.

Looking ahead, we are excited to return to Denham Springs, LA, to minister at Glory of God Worship Center, Pastor Cary and Edith Carlin, then later to Tucson,  Arizona preaching at Word in Season Christian Center, Pastor David Stubbins.

Finally, we will be ministering once more in Guerrero State, Mexico for 10 days of anointed, life changing ministry in 5 churches and a Bible School. We will be assisting our dear friends, missionaries Mike and Kim Davis there as we did this past June.

We covet your prayers for this trip as our ministry itinerary there will be packed! We are posting our daily schedule to help guide and direct your prayers on our behalf.

In these days of chaos, fear and “cancel culture’, we want to assure you that the Kingdom of God is advancing! Everywhere we go we are seeing lives transformed by the living and eternal Word of God.

Thank you so very much for your precious partnership with us. We are very grateful for your faithful prayer and financial support. We believe the Lord has connected us with the absolute best partners! We stand with you for increase in every area of your lives. 

In Christ’s Love, 
Jim & Stephanie Montgomery
Here is a list of the current needs in Mexico:
November Mission Trip: Airfare, lodging and food: $3,000
Construction: $2,000
Earthquake Repairs: $1,500
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Copyright © *2021 Montgomery Ministries*, All rights reserved.

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 2707 Broken Arrow, OK 74013

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